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Calgary Senior High School Athletic Association

Member School Listing

Gym Spectator Policy Listing for 23-24


Click HERE to view listing of schools with a limited spectator policy for the 2023-2024 season.

Limited Spectator Policy:
  • Students from the two participating schools need to show their school ID for admission to the gym.   
  • Families (parents/guardians/grandparents) of players only. **Extended family members must be accompanied by a player’s parent/guardian 
  • No alumni from visiting schools
  • School access is restricted to the gym and washrooms near the gym. 
  • There is no vaping or smoking on school property, including the parking lot, washrooms and gymnasium. Those caught vaping or smoking will be asked to leave immediately. 
  • Student and spectator code of conduct will be expected.

Member schools names and colours
(as confirmed in the June 2023 update of the CSHSAA Constitution)
School Name Colours (Primary) Nickname
All Saints (royal blue),black, gold & white Legends
Alternative High School (purple) light blue & white Phoenix
Bishop Carroll (cardinal) gold & white Cardinals
Bishop McNally (teal) white & black Timberwolves
Bishop O’Byrne (navy blue) & white Bobcats
Bowness (green) & gold Trojans
Central Memorial (purple) & gold Rams
Centennial (forest green) silver & black Coyotes
Crescent Heights (blue) white & red Cowboys
Dr. E.P. Scarlett (scarlet) grey & white Lancers
Ernest Manning (navy blue) & gold Griffins
Father Lacombe (royal blue) green & white Lasers
Forest Lawn (red) white & black Titans
Henry Wise Wood (burgundy) white & grey Warriors
Jack James (navy) scarlet & white Jaguars
James Fowler (blue) & copper Falcons
Joane Cardinal-Schubert (black), yellow, red & white Ravens
John G. Diefenbaker (navy blue) powder blue & silver Chiefs
Lester B. Pearson (flag red) gold & white Patriots
Lord Beaverbrook (black) silver & white Lords
Nelson Mandela (light blue), graphite grey, white United
North Trail (apple green), navy blue Nighthawks
Notre Dame (navy blue) gold & white Pride
Our Lady Of The Rockies (black) white & red Grizzlies
Queen Elizabeth (black) & gold Knights
Robert Thirsk (black), blue & silver Comets
St. Francis (brown) orange & white Browns
St. Gabriel the Archangel (navy blue) burgundy & white Guardians
St. Martin de Porres (silver) navy, white & emerald Kodiaks
St. Mary’s (green) & white Saints
St. Timothy (black) purple & white Thunder
Sir Winston Churchill (red) white & blue Bulldogs
Western Canada (red) white & black Redhawks
William Aberhart (orange) & white Orange

School Colours – On team uniforms, 75% must be in the school primary colour.
**Schools who are purchasing uniforms must consult with the Executive Director in order to ensure there is a contrast of school colours across the Association.

Basketball Provincials Championship weekend


Basketball Selects Game


2025 Wrestling Provincials - Sir Winston Churchill team champions


2025 Basketball City Finals - Winning team photos added
