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2024 Calgary High School Football Jamboree


Schedule available now!

CSHSAA is proud to present the 2024 Calgary High School Football Jamboree

Friday, August 30th, 2024 
@ Shouldice Athletic Park (1515 Home Road NW)
Bishop McNally, Dr. EP Scarlett/Central Memorial, John G. Diefenbaker, Lord Beaverbrook, St. Mary's, Western Canada, William Aberhart        

Hellard Field       
3:20pm       North:         St. Mary’s vs. Bishop McNally
                   South:          William Aberhart vs.  John G. Diefenbaker
3:50pm       North:          Dr. EP Scarlett/Central Memorial vs. St. Mary’s
                   South:          Bishop McNally vs. William Aberhart
4:20pm       North:          William Aberhart vs. St. Mary’s
                   South:         John G. Diefenbaker vs. Bishop McNally
4:50pm       North:          Western Canada vs. John G. Diefenbaker
                   South:          Dr. EP Scarlett/Central Memorial vs. Lord Beaverbrook
Stampeder Field
3:20pm       North:  Dr. EP Scarlett/Central Memorial vs. Western Canada
3:50pm       North:  Lord Beaverbrook vs. Western Canada

First team named will begin on offence and will use the sideline closest to the bleachers. Each team can expect to play in 3 separate 40 plays controlled scrimmages with no kicking game (20 offensive and 20 defensive downs per team).  Each offensive series will last 10 plays with the ball being placed on the 40-yard line going in.  If a team scores a touchdown a ball is placed back on the 40-yard line. Coaches need to keep track of the number of plays. Turnovers are blown dead once the defensive maintains possession of the ball. (Ball goes back to the 45) Each “game” should last roughly 30 minutes. Quarterbacks are not live in the pocket. The play will be blown dead once they are tagged. Coaches are permitted on the field (defensive coaches are advised to keep your head on a swivel.)
Please be reminded of the “spirit” of this jamboree.  For some, this will be their first exposure to organized football and we would like to make this experience a positive one for all involved. Please communicate with the opposing coach to make sure you have proper personal matchups. (When Starters and Backups will play prior to each scrimmage) Schools that have a break in between games can go to the locker room. 

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